A cannon blast through the heart of all that is dead and decaying.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Wind-Clock Ballet

i'm sitting here listening to Ryan Adams' Hard Way To Fall with the first tentative breezes of Spring blowin outside/inside my soul, a new feelin surgin through the air, a new sense in the sunlight as it lights the land in new hues, a new chapter cut in soil and peculating 'neath winter's dead dreams now feedin the new dreams of the children of the land as they wait to bloom from the dark womb of beginning.

now the Band's version of Tears of Rage is on and thoughts turn to basement gigs--remember Matt & Chili? that night our guitars howled in mourning entwined with Chili's voice, Children of Haight, how it reached its preordained spontaneous crescendo, sending that moment named Jerry Garcia back to the Unborn Great Beyond a few short hours later, one last blazing farewell before departing. and he died with a smile on his face. "and life is brief," (just played over the stereo--synchronicity alive and well, as It's All Over Now, Baby Blue comes on . . .)

Yes--it's all connected, whether you want to admit it to yourself in night's darkness or not. every day i live, every breath i take is a conformation of that shining fact. the universe is an immense clock ticking away eternity, and everything it holds are the gears that run the daylight through our souls. and God is the coo-coo sounding out high above. quiet the noise of your brain and get in sync to its hidden rhythms played out all around as the stars and planets and moons dance and circle high above and all around. Do the cosmic dance till the wind collects your bones and blows the dust back to the Earth's black womb.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Thoughts on Freedom

I have lately been thinking that the greater (meaning more powerful) the government, the lesser the individual--meaning that there is an unnatural dependence there upon the government, to the extent where it almost acts as a parental figure, thereby weakening the individuals will to think freely for his/her self. I see this as being the chief danger of our time--East to West, North to South. When we give up our ability to think freely for ourselves, we give up our very humanity. I believe the world would be a very different place if each person were less dependent upon their rulers (this being any organization that dictates thought, whether it be a governmental organization, or media, or what-have-you). Freedom isn't free; as a matter of fact, true freedom is a very difficult proposition. But what a wonderful proposition! And can we not, as individuals (on the whole) think better for ourselves than any group or institution? Throw off the shackles of mental slavery! Stand tall and assert yourselves as individuals with minds free and unfettered! Only then can freedom be realized!

I include the link because I feel it thought-provoking. While the broad-swath of my being may be "anarchistic," I am not quite convinced society is ready for it (mostly for the reasons I have given above). At any rate, it is worth it for the Thomas Jefferson quotes.


p.s. I still don't think society is ready for anarchism, but I am now of the opinion that we should start laying the foundation now. Don't look to the future to save us, it will never come. Live in the day at hand.