A cannon blast through the heart of all that is dead and decaying.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Origins of A Shattered Generation

Old entry from a beat-up notebook, written by a younger, more romantic self.

October 1, 2002 12:37 A.M. Czech Republic

My generation is a shattered generation--coming from 50% divorced homes, most of the other 50% families in name only.

Social discord of late 20th century, suburban & urban breakdown of community set us looking for our own tribal existence.

Social/religious institutions seen through as thought control joke.

The mirror of society shattered, we form a beautiful mosaic--each reflecting his/her own cosmological viewpoint--sub-communities of sincerity rather than mono-cultural community filled with avarice/materialist smiling, handshaking hypocrisy.

Having a better game to play, we ignore the old.

Shattered generation--taking the upheaval that formed us and creating something positive and enduring in its wake. Part of this is the internet breaking down former border/class/racial/sexual/ethnic barriers; bring back the Human clan through unhindered communication. We no longer depend on our respective governments to tell us about folks in other countries--we can ask them ourselves! The more we communicate with each other, the more we see the common thread which runs through all humanity.

Shattered--release from duality and man-made structures (shattering of old notions) to follow the natural flow.


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